CSR Policy

While pursuing the best quality and highest customer satisfaction, Chen Yuan International is also dedicated to the development of corporate social responsibility, and constructs an improvement system according to multiple international CSR standards and guidelines, hoping to fulfil its responsibility in the supply chain of the global electronics industry.

RBA/EICC was announced in 2004, which had established a specification regarding ethical conduct and environment safety in the global supply chain of the electronics industry.

RBA/EICC conforms to the spirit stipulated in international specifications and standards, including UN Global Compact, International Labor Office Tripartite Declaration of Principles, The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and The UN Human Rights Norms For Business, and regards the obedience of the laws in the operated countries/areas as the basic requirement.

Guarantees of Rights and Respect

Chen Yuan International adheres to its initial resolution of determination, confidence, solicitude, and integrity, and conforms to the <Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct> , in order to provide its employees with a health and safe working environment, where each employee is protected and respected for their rights, as well as minimize negative factors that impact the environment.

Chen Yuan International declares to abide by the following requirements in order to conform to the philosophy of RBA regarding supremacy in human rights, social welfare, environment safety and health, and sustainable corporate operation:

1. Respects labor awareness, and will not employ involuntary labor nor child labor.
2. Implements labor conditions that conform to the laws and specifications.
3. Provides an equal working environment where discrimination is forbidden and freedom of association is permitted.
4. Emphases on environment safety and health.
5. Fulfils CSR and integrity management.

Results from First Half of 2021

Human Rights:

conforms to laws and international guidelines, and implements training and propaganda.

Occupational Safety:

Continuously adheres to the IS0 45001 management system, and has obtained certification, with 0 incidents this year related to occupational hazards.

Environmental Protection:

Abides by the laws and protects the environment, with 0 environmental violations this year.


Conforms to the laws and industry practices, with financial information signed and verified by accountants each year.

Complaints and Suggestions

